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3 Effective Ways To Clean Your Dab Nail

3 Effective Ways To Clean Your Dab Nail

You have to clean your dab nail routinely. The frequency depends on how often and long you use every dab nail. Ideally, you should not put aside a dirty dab nail before cleaning it because doing so will allow the wax, oil, residue, or reclaim to build up and transform into rigid stains. 

Every dab nail needs a thorough clean, irrespective of the material. Titanium nails are sturdy but porous, so you cannot clean them using the same methods as quartz or ceramic. While both quartz and ceramic are durable materials, neither is as scratch-resistant as one may think. 

Thus, you need a bespoke approach to clean your dab nail, subject to its material, sturdiness, and current condition. An immensely stained dab nail will require longer soaking and more rigorous effort or an exceptional cleaning solution to get rid of all the dirty and grimy stains. 

1. How To Clean Ceramic Nails

Let us first talk about ceramic nails. You can use a cleaning solution to clean ceramic. However, do not use any dabber tool or abrasive material to scrub the ceramic nail. The secret to effective cleaning is allowing the ceramic nails to soak in an appropriate solution. 

You can make your own cleaning solution at home or buy a reliable product. An effective homemade solution is warm water. 

Get a container with sufficient depth for the ceramic nails to be completely submerged in the solution. The salt is optional but there is no harm in using it. Soak the ceramic nails for at least half an hour. You may choose fifteen minutes up to an hour based on how dirty your nail is.

Post soaking, rinse the ceramic nails with warm water. Do not use cold or hot water. You may rinse the nail twice or more to get rid of all the residual traces. If you have warm water in the tap, hold the ceramic nail under the flow for a more effective rinsing cycle. 

Once clean, let your ceramic nail dry in the open air. Keep it away from dusty spaces. Do not use any heating device to dry the nail. You can turn on the fan unless the room is dusty. Also, outdoor pollutants may cling onto a wet or moist ceramic nail, and you don’t want that.

2. How To Clean Quartz Nails

Like ceramic, quartz is durable but it is not immune to scraping or intense abrasive action. Thus, you should not use a dabber tool or other devices to scrub a quartz nail. Also, you don’t have to use such tools because the solution can get the job done. At the most, you will need a few cotton swabs to work on specific parts of the quartz nail that may have more rigid stains. 

It is not necessary to soak quartz nails unless they are extremely dirty. This requirement depends on how long you delay cleaning a quartz nail, which is also why frequent cleaning sessions are easier and quicker. If you have to soak a quartz nail, follow the same method as with ceramics. Decide the soaking time based on your assessment of the residual buildup.

Get a container, pour in sufficient solution to submerge a quartz nail, let it soak if necessary, use a cotton swab to work on the rigid stains, and rinse. Quartz is non porous, so you don’t have to worry about any residual water. Also, any remaining residue will swiftly burn away when you use the nail for your next session. Air dry the quartz nail to finish. 

3. How To Clean Titanium Nails

Titanium nails are easier to clean! You need a dabber tool and dab torch to clean a titanium nail. Use the dab torch to heat your titanium nail. Once it is sufficiently hot, take the dabber tool and scrape off the dirt and grime residue. 

This simple heating and scraping method works for almost all kinds of stains you may find on your titanium nail. However, since you cannot use a cleaning solution, it is practical to clean a titanium nail after every session, so that you don’t have any unmanageable residue buildup.

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